Regenerative Culture
The modern, western culture we live in is highly destructive, to people, to wildlife, and to our only precious home, planet earth. In XR we want to find more positive ways of living, which respect and support life (including ourselves and each other), not destroy it. We call this our “Regenerative Culture” (often called “Regen” for short). We see this caring culture as a vital part of our XR movement. If we try to stop the destruction of the earth, while carrying on in the same old harmful ways, we are fighting ourselves. We need to be part of the system changes that must happen.
What do we do in Malvern?
As a “Regen” group we organise events that will support and inspire us, to help us keep going when times are tough. We observe and cherish the natural world; we practise speaking and listening care-fully to each other; we recognise the need for times of rest and repair, alongside the need for action; we promote and encourage people in XR to care for ourselves, as well as others – for example, noticing how we are feeling and whether we need to do less or do differently. We support people taking part in direct action, before, during and afterwards.
If you would like to get in touch about any of this, please email us on
We need people to join us please!
Nature walks
We regularly walk together in the beautiful area of Malvern. We vary our walks to suit different levels of ability. It’s a lovely way to meet up, catch up with old friends, meet new people, talk about what’s going on for us and for the world; and of course, to admire, appreciate and enjoy the many wonderful living things around us. It’s also a lovely gentle way for new people to get to meet some of us, and a relaxing way to connect with the natural world. See our What’s on page for up to date information.
Climate café
Another opportunity to meet up in a relaxed way, with old friends and new, usually in a local café. Sometimes you just need to be with people who understand, and share your concerns. Sometimes you just want to see a friendly face and have a chat, maybe share your reactions to the latest news… At the moment we are meeting on the 2nd Sunday of the month, in Faun café (Worcester Road), in the afternoon. See our What’s on page for up to date information.
Action support
We support rebels who are taking part in direct action and may be at risk of arrest. We provide a listening service during and after actions; and arrestee support, such as meeting & greeting rebels as they are released from police custody. We hold emotional debriefs after actions, where people can share their feelings (whatever they may be) in a safe and supportive place, rather than carrying that load alone.
The regenerative cycle
The natural world follows a natural cycle, which allows for times of action and times of rest; times of creativity and times of reflection. Western humans have tried to impose a non-stop, exploitative culture which does not respect the need to rest, digest, reflect. Our culture is used to force and exploitation. A vital part of XR culture is learning and practising different ways of being, following this regenerative cycle in all that we do, so we can rest and rise again, without excessive stress or burnout.

Non-violent communication (NVC)
This is a way of interacting which improves communication and reduces conflict. For example, if upset by an interaction, we try NOT to attack and make the other person feel bad, instead we try to communicate how we feel. It’s a huge topic and quite different from the dominant cultural way of talking! We sometimes put on some training sessions in NVC with a local specialist. For more information and resources, click HERE.
Other useful resources
We are influenced by, and interested in, the Climate Psychology Alliance, who work to address the psychological aspects of the climate emergency. They say:
“Climate change is not a scientific problem waiting for a technical solution. It’s an urgent, frightening, systemic problem involving environment, culture and politics. It engenders fear, denial and despair amongst individuals, evasion, indifference and duplicity amongst the powerful. It forces uncomfortable dilemmas about justice, nature and equality into consciousness. It challenges all of us in modern societies both personally and politically.
Anxiety, guilt and shame make it very difficult for people to face the reality of climate change and lead to denial and disavowal while the norms and structures of everyday life validate and reinforce these responses.
As we face the climate crisis, we are aware that those least responsible, especially in the Global South, are suffering first and worst. However, a growing number of us worldwide are being affected physically, materially, psychologically and emotionally – directly through experiences of climate related disasters, in our reactions to the latest news, in our private thoughts, in our sense of loss, anger and despair, and for an increasing number of us, in our dreams.”
In addition, the Trained Emotional Support Network (TESN) offer a range of support to individuals and groups. You can contact them by email: